Finding the Best Hosting
Not only have I been a web programmer for over 20 years, but also I have a broad range of clients, with an even broader range of needs. Of course the one thing you don’t need is headaches from a hosting company. For example, you want fast, reliable, and secure service that WORKS. At the same time, you don’t want to get bombarded with sales emails and upsold like most of the larger companies do. The fast answer? HostXNow.
Full Service Hosting
At Dolce Vittoria you can have fully managed hosting through HostXNow, or you can setup your own account and manage it yourself. Either way you’ll get a great hosting experience. With our full-service hosting, we’ll manage everything for you, including the billing, so you don’t have to worry about any of the technical details or remember any due dates.
What Makes a Great Hosting Provider
Resources, Resources, Resources
When choosing a web hosting provider, there’s a lot to take into consideration. Most companies talk about their uptime and use other buzzwords to sell you on their service. Here’s what you need to know: IO (IOPS), SSD Drives, System specs?, Cloud Based?, Bandwidth limits, database limits, cPanel access? Does email cost extra? What about SSL certificates? This is just a taste of the questions I threw at the team at HostXNow when I was searching for a new web hosting company.
Now, you might think that’s a lot of technical questions, and you may or may not understand all of it, and that’s okay. Here’s what matters. Performance. Those are the pieces of the web hosting puzzle that make up your site’s performance.
IO (or IOPS) is essentially the amount of data that can be transferred per second on your website. Most companies limit each account to only 1 or 2 megs. HostXNow has most of their accounts set to 30 megs or more!!! What does this mean for you? Let’s say you’re hosting a WordPress website and you have multiple users viewing the site at the same time. Every person using the site increases the bandwidth and IO and database usage at the same time. If you’re limited to 1 or 2 megs, you’ll reach your server limits very quickly. That will cause your site to run very slowly, or stop all together, potentially causing server errors (this happened to me all the time on that famous race car driver’s favorite hosting company).